Former two-time NPA chair Richard Longthorp talks about his life in farming, foot-and-mouth, living with Parkinson's Disease, and why he is giving back to those who have given him a new lease of life
'Detail delivers' was the theme of the BeetTech25 technical conference for sugar beet growers and their advisers
With the grass growing season just around the corner, we take a look at some of the sward rejuvenating kit available on the market
When a North Yorkshire couple were approached with a long-term Farm Business Tenancy, they had 'no hestitation' in their reply
RABDF/NMR Gold Cup finalist Will Venn has expanded cow numbers over the last 10 years and has aimed to make incremental performance improvements along the way
Sitting between the Axos 200 and Arion 400 tractor ranges, the new 92-120hp series has been launched to meet the requirements of livestock, loader and mixed farms
Welsh beef and sheep farmer Kevin Stephens founded Agroceutical Products in 2012 to develop a 'cost-effective and scalable method' of producing galanthamine from daffodils to help Alzheimer's sufferers
With over 15 different manufacturers offering mower conditioners in the UK market, what does Claas offer with its Disco mounted range to tempt buyers?
A group of Young ²ÝÁñÉçÇø were given the opportunity to take their fight for the future of farming straight to Parliament
Joe Dufosee enjoys working with his family on their large organic livestock unit, the majority of which is rented from the Ministry of Defence