In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on farmers' frustration of having to publicly defend the safety and viability of their businesses in light of public concerns around methane suppressors, Wales announces an all-wales avian influenza prevention zone, after it was declared across England and Scotland earlier in the week, and NFU Council members vote in favour of staging a further protest in the capital as part of a drive to halt the family farm tax
The Plaid Cymru MP and tenant dairy farmer Ann Davies said there was 'train of people' in West Wales buying land for trees, carbon offsetting and solar and wind farms
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the Chancellor's remarks that the Fiscal Rules set out in the Autumn Budget are 'non-negotiable and will be met', NFU Council members have voted in favour of staging a further protest in the capital on February 25, as part of a drive to halt the family farm tax, and NFU Cymru has called on Natural Resources Wales to reverse its decision to stop issuing new permits that allow farmers to dispose of waste sheep dip to land.
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the confirmed case of avian influenza found in a farm worker in the West Midlands, discusses the reaction from the growers and the wider farming industry to the ban on neonicotinoid Cruiser SB on sugar beet crops, and an update on the latest analysis done by AHDB, which found over 42,000 farmers in England and Scotland will be hit by the Chancellor's Inheritance Tax changes
Brian Richardson, head of agriculture at Virgin Money said the Autumn Budget has brought 'more uncertainty' and 'distracting farmers from their main job of providing food for us all'
In a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Carmichael said that ‘deep concern' is fuelling low confidence and morale levels in the agricultural and wider rural community and that he would like to meet with the PM urgently to discuss ‘potential mitigations'
Supermarkets have joined forces to speak up for farmers and growers against the Government's proposed changes to Inheritance Tax
Meadow, First Milk, Dunbia and Frontier Agriculture have joined several supermarkets in showing their support for farmers over IHT proposals
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has released further information on costings for the Inheritance Tax policy proposed in the Autumn Budget