
Partner Insight: Group monitoring takes guesswork out of herd management

Monitoring the reproduction and health indexes of individual dairy cows and heifers can tell the herd manager a lot about how each animal is being managed, but monitoring animals on a group-by-group basis can unlock a wealth of additional information which can be used to improve the overall herd’s performance.

clock • 2 min read
Partner Insight: Group monitoring takes guesswork out of herd management

In addition to monitoring the reproductive and health status of individual dairy cows, the SenseHub® Premium application plan from MSD Animal Health also enables herd managers, their staff and any external consultants (such as the farm vets or nutritionists) to fine-tune how each group of high and low yielders, dry cows, freshly calved cows and heifers is being managed.

This is particularly useful when monitoring multiple groups of animals, or livestock located away from the main farm, as it enables each group's activity, rumination and behavioural patterns to be compared against anticipated trends.

It is then possible to assess if, how and when changes in housing conditions, the weather, feeding regime or day-to-day management have impacted the group's health, comfort, nutrition, productivity and welfare.


Armed with a better understanding of how each group of animals is faring, herd managers can fine-tune existing herd health plans or introduce new protocols which will improve the herd's productivity.

Where necessary, the reports generated by SenseHub can also be shared quickly and easily with third parties so the farm's vet and nutritionist can have a better understanding of how each group's daily management regime is affecting animal behaviour and output.

This all adds up to make the management of multiple groups of animals easier, quicker and less stressful.

It also takes the guesswork out of assessing what does and does not work for a specific group and helps to reduce the potential impact of planned changes and unforeseen events on the herd's health and performance.


The SenseHubTM Premium plan can also be used alongside the SenseHubTM Dairy Youngstock application plan to observe for the signs of ill health in calves from birth, with nipple-fed calves in single hutches or post-weaning calves in group pens.

It is also compatible with the SenseHubTM Dairy In-Line Somatic Cell Count and SenseHubTM Dairy In-Line MilkPlus sensors and the MSD Animal Health sorting gate.


Find out more 

To find out more about SenseHub Premium Plan, please call the SenseHub team at 01207 529000 or email us at [email protected] alternatively visit



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