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More on MSD SenseHub

Partner Insight: Bespoke training to improve herd management

Partner Insight: Bespoke training to improve herd management

Herd monitoring systems such as SenseHub® from MSD Animal Health provide powerful insights into the health and reproduction performance of dairy.

clock 16 May 2024 • 2 min read
Partner Insight: Group monitoring takes guesswork out of herd management

Partner Insight: Group monitoring takes guesswork out of herd management

Monitoring the reproduction and health indexes of individual dairy cows and heifers can tell the herd manager a lot about how each animal is being managed, but monitoring animals on a group-by-group basis can unlock a wealth of additional information which can be used to improve the overall herd’s performance.

clock 16 April 2024 • 2 min read
Partner insight: Highlighting heat stress

Partner insight: Highlighting heat stress

Heat stress is not necessarily the first thing which springs to mind when considering how a typical British summer might impact milk production, but research shows that even the UK’s relatively ambient climate can stifle the performance of dairy cattle.

MSD SenseHub
clock 05 March 2024 • 2 min read