A ring full of buyers travelled from across the counties in search of the high-quality farming cattle the market had to offer.
The show was judged by Charlie Asher, Derbyshire, who found his overall champion in a 12- month-old Limousin cross steer from R. L. Richie and Son, Skegness, who also took the reserve championship with a pen of three 12-month-old Limousin sired steers.
Kicking off the sale, the champion steer from Messrs Richie sold for £1,800 to the judge and the reserve champion pen sold for £1,320/head, also to the judge. The Richie's run of all Limouisin sired yearling cattle averaged £1,418.18.
Shaw Bros, Binbrook, sold a run of Limousin steers topping at £1,610 to average £1,510.71.

A run of farming cattle from R.G. Taylor and Sons, Hogsthorope, topped at £1,350 for a pair of British Blue cross heifers.
M. F. Strawson, Aylesby, sold Limousin and Aberdeen-Angus sired cattle to £1,600 with their run of 26 averaging £1,248.08.
Regular supporters of the store ring, Pennel Bros, Louth, sold a consignment of 10–12-month-old British Blue and Limousin sired cattle to £1,380 to average £1,191.25.
British Blue sired heifers from Beever Agriculture, Woodhall Spa, topped at £1,450.
Averages – heifers, £1,064.36; steers averaged £1,176.64.
Auctioneers: Louth Market.