For the second year running the winning pen of 40 or more lambs were consigned by Andrew Haggas, Otterburn, whose Beltex crosses sold for the top price of £126/head to Tim Jackson, Preston.
The second prize pen, 40 Beltex crosses from Michael and Elaine Dugdale, Giggleswick, made £108 each. Stephen Robinson, Karesborough, took third prize with his pen of 48 Suffolks which sold for £90/head.
Ian Brown, Marske, and Chris and Tom Heseltine, Bolton Abbey, sold pens of Beltex to £120.
Best pens of Beltex and three-quarters-bred lambs regularly made £108-£120, with medium Beltex lambs £89-£105. The Beltex average was £113.12.
Texel cross lambs from Michael and Carol McKenzie, Arncliffe, sold to £118 to top breed prices.
Strong first-crossed lambs regularly sold at £90-£100, those with weight doing better at £100-£112. Good framed fresh Texel cross lambs made £82-£90, the younger lambs £70-£80, with very few selling at £60-£70. The Texel average was £87.83.
Suffolk lambs averaged £86.94 with Michael Parker, Winterburn, claiming a section top of £104.50 for a pen of 40.
Strongest Suffolks were £90-plus, fresh Suffolk lambs with frame made £80-£88 and a few pens of younger lambs sold at £71-£78.
The first North of England Mule lambs forward from Mick Crawshaw, Trawden, saw his 36 wethers sell for £77.50/head.
Auctioneers: CCM.