
Galloway claims supreme beef championship at South of England

clock • 6 min read
Wareham's Gracie 1

Wareham's Gracie 1

THE supreme beef title went to the overall female champion and any other breed champion, the Galloway cow, Wareham’s Gracie 1, from Jason and Sarah Wareham, East Sussex. Jane Howard reports.

 The five-year-old home-bred cow, which was shown with a calf at foot, is out of Barlaes Grace 75 by Welling of Kilnstown and now goes to the Royal Highland and Great Yorkshire shows. Its calf from last year, Wareham's Gracie 2 was also the inter-breed junior champion.

Reserve, also staying local, was the overall male champion Coopers Regent 3, a five-year-old home-bred Sussex bull from Jane Howard, East Sussex. 

Out of Coopers Lofty Lily 3 and by Goldstone Regent 7, it now goes on to the Royal Norfolk Show. 

Judge, Andy Ryder, Carlisle, said he was impressed by the scope and strength of these two native cattle, especially the length of the cow and the excellent locomotion of the bull.

Coopers Regent 3

Reserve female champion went to the Simmental cow, Fircovert Lizbet, from Paul Gunther, Norwich, and reserve male champion went to a yearling Charolais bull, Wissington Trent, owned by Jennifer Rix, Colchester.



In the dairy rings the supreme championship went to the Ayrshire champion, the second calver, Douglas's Corafamous from Maggie Howie, Kent

In reserve was the Jersey champion, Hoppickers Implus Oreo from the Dean family, Ashford.

Judge, Andrew Birkle, Leicestershire, commented on the balance, rib and rump of the champion saying it had a great set of feet and legs and he thought the Jersey was an impressive young cow and great example of the breed.

He also drew the crowd's attention to an exhibit from Brinsbury College, Pulborough - Brinsbury Napier Actress 2, an Ayrshire cow which at 11 years old is back in-calf and still milking well. 

Hoppickers Implus Oreo


In the pig section the inter-breed championship went to Surrey breeder, Oliver Giles with his September 2022-born Duroc gilt, Tedfold Lena 175, which was breed champion at Nottingham Show and qualified for Pig of the Year at the Welsh Smallholders Show. The next stop is the Great Yorkshire for the Pig of the Year final. 

The reserve went to another local breeder, Oaklands Pigs, Tunbridge Wells, with their Gloucester Old Spot sow, Trewint Princess 30, which is due to farrow in July.

Tedfold Lena 175


The sheep supreme champion from Lizzy Sargent, East Sussex, was a Southdown shearling ewe which Francis Fooks, Dorset, judged to be correct in every way, saying it was one of the best Southdowns he had seen and much larger than most.

Its summer schedule will include the Royal Welsh, Lincolnshire and Kent shows. 

Reserve champion went to a Suffolk ewe lamb from Diana Lindon, Dorking, which Mr Fooks, said ‘walked into the ring, bright eyed, alert with a real look at me attitude which could not help but catch his attention.'

Southdown shearling ewe from Lizzy Sargent



Inter-breed (A. Ryder, Carlisle) Supreme and female., J. and S. Wareham, Wareham's Gracie 1 (Galloway); reserve and male., J. Howard, Coopers Poll Regent 3 (Sussex); res fem., P. Gunther, Fircovert Lizbet (British Simmental); res male., J. Rix, Wissington Trent (Charolais).

Aberdeen-Angus (A. Hughes, Yorkshire) Sup., R. Bishop,Warrenho Princess Camilla Y937;res., M. Goddard Oak More Wella T342.

Sussex (G. Pearson, Kent) Sup., J. Howard, Coopers Regent 3; res., D. Spanton, Maygate Poll Shadow  2.

British Charolais (D. Thornley, Derbyshire) Sup., R. Tremayne, Marne Sweetpea; res., J. Rix, Wissington Trent.

Hereford (A. Hughes) Sup., High Ridge Farm Partnership, Suzannah 897W; res., H. Jackson, Hudley1 Luna. 

British Simmental (B. Borlase, Hertfordshire) Sup., P. Gunther, Fircovert Lizbet; res., J. Griffin, Hemmingford Madonna.

British Blonde (D. Thornley) Sup., H. Jones, Edgerton Parvati;

British Limousin (N. Hill, Somerset) Sup., S. Drury, res., Cinderhill Scarlet; S. Jackson, Goscombe Solace.

Beef Shorthorn (M. Severn, West Yorkshire) Sup., H. Horrell, Podehole Phantasy Maddie; res., E. Wood, Oldewood Lovely Rosette.

Highland (W. MacLean, Argyll) Sup., S. Tedbury, Bachy 1 of Hardham; res., S. Tedbury, Dosan Bheag 2 of Hardham.

Dexter (H. Bickerton, Cheshire) Sup., J. Hunt, Saltaire Avocado; res., G. and J. Elswood, Trustwood Merlin. 

Any other pedigree beef (W. Maclean) Sup., J. and S. Wareham, Wareham's Gracie 1 (Galloway); res., J. and S. Wareham, Wareham's Gracie 2 (Galloway).

Commercial (J. Lyon, Lincolnshire) Sup., S. Marsh, Dreamgirl 20; res., J. and S. Wareham, Morning Star 41.


Inter-breed (A. Birkle, Leicestershire) Sup.,M. Howie, Douglas's Corafamous (Ayrshire); res., Dean family, Hoppickers Implus Oreo (Jersey).

Jersey (M. James, Carmarthenshire) Sup., Dean Family, Hoppickers Implus Oreo; res., Dean family, Hoppickers Brownies Querubica.

Ayrshire (S. Williams, Pemrokeshire) Sup., M. Howie, Douglas's Corafamous; res., M. Howie, Ridley Hill Big Bell.

Any other dairy breed (M. James, Carmarthenshire) Sup., Brinsbury College, Brinsbury Millicent 9 (Dairy Shorthorn); res., Brinsbury College, Brinsbury Molly 35 (Dairy Shorthorn).


Inter-breed (F. Fooks, Dorset) Sup., L. Sargent, (Southdown); res., D. Lindon (Suffolk).

Southdown (B. Cooper, Buckinghamshire) Sup., L. Sargent; res., A. Lambert.

Suffolk (T. Stocking, Suffolk) Sup. and res., D. Lindon.

Texel (K. Potter, Kent) Sup., S. Pile; res., H. Shearman.

Any pure continental breed (D. Churchill, Devon) Sup. and res., R. McMaster (Blue Texel).

Any other longwool breed (A. Fisher, North Yorkshire) Sup., E. Breach (Border Leicester); res., S. Blunden (Devon and Cornwall).

Any other heath/hill breed (A. Fisher) Sup., D. and J. Masters (North Country Cheviot); res., A. Howard (Kerry Hill).

Any other shortwool/down breed (J. Brigg, Herefordshire) Sup., H. Delaney (Hampshire Down); res., D. Barr (Poll Dorset).

Zwartbles (A. Coombs, Somerset) Sup., G. Gribble; res., C. Clark.

Butchers lambs (D. Fenner, East Sussex) Sup., H. Stow (Black Welsh Mountain); res., S. Bull (crossbred).


Inter-breed (P. Horsley-Rose, Yorkshire) Sup., O. Giles,Tedfold Lena 175 (Duroc); Oaklands Pigs, Trewint Princess 30 (Gloucester Old Spot).

Berkshire (H. Rose-Franks, Kent) Sup., J. Tiley, Fernlea Farewell 4; res., J. Tiley, Fernlea Farewell 12.

British Saddleback (H.Rose-Franks) Sup., Oaklands Pigs, Rother Molly 62B; res., E. Paddock, Lewin Fidra.

British Lop (H. Rose-Franks) Sup., M. Paddock, Eaves Cornishman res., M. Paddock, Eaves Duke 2.

Large Black (J. Sage, Gloucestershire) Sup., Brook House Farms, Framfield Diana 300; res., Brook House Farms, Framfield Diana 391.

Oxford and Sandy Black (H.Rose-Franks) Sup., S. Wood, Waywood Cynthia 225; res., S. Wood, Nightingale Gertrude 2.

Gloucester Old Spot (J. Sage) Sup., Oaklands Pigs, Trewint Princess 30; res., M. and D. Dallaway, Trewint Rufus 4.

Middle White (H. Rose-Franks) Sup., O. Giles, Tedfold Fair Lad 375; res., M. Paddock, Eaves Carnation 9.

Duroc (J. Sage) Sup., O. Giles,Tedfold Lena 175; res., O. Giles, Tedfold Lena 190.

Large White (J. Sage) Sup., T.Cook, Millfields Maple Leaf 207; res., W.. and J. Murphy, Castlemast Danny 270.

Any other modern breed (J. Sage)  Sup., W. and J. Murphy, Balsham Bessie (Landrace); res., Wakeham-Dawson and Harmer, Offham Arthur 2 (Welsh).

Any other traditional breed (J. Sage)  Sup., Oaklands Pigs, Northolme Roseleaf (Tamworth); res., Community Farm GMCF Greenmeadow, Greenmeadow Glen 2 (Tamworth).
Kune Kune (H. Rose-Franks) Sup., P. Naylor, Pencommins Ru 3; res., K. Kersley, Pencommins Rebecca Gina 22.













2024 Valtra A115


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