In taking on the new role, Kit Papworth has announced he will be stepping down from his position as combinable crops and sugar beet sector chair at Red Tractor
Many growers have been forced to drill cereals much later than they would have liked this season after persistent rainfall has put fieldwork on the backfoot. Alice Dyer gets tips for success from two experts.
Global weather patterns are impacting grain markets, which could give a little comfort to British growers expecting their smallest harvest in years
With recent changes to hemp licensing laws, we investigate what hemp is legally used for in the UK, how to grow it and Governmental policy surrounding the alternative crop
On one Leicestershire farm, wheat plantings were not as delayed as others, but they still suffered. Nevertheless, farmer Will Oliver remains committed to maximising their potential
Good decision-making with spring cropping is always important. But after storms curtailed winter wheat drilling across parts of the country, it could have added significance this season
With many areas hit by prolonged waterlogging or flooding over recent months, we seek advice from experts who examine the impact on crops and how to manage them this spring