So, with this is mind in the November edition of Dairy Farmer, as well as discussing how 2023 maize crops have performed and their potential positive impact on rations, we also take a look at maize variety choices ahead of 2024 and learn more about under-sowing with grass from trial work.
And as well as thinking about options for outwintering, we also highlight some animal health considerations when going into the cooler ‘winter housing' months.
Within this edition, you will find profiles on two Nuffield scholars who will be presenting their research at this year's ', which will see a bumper crop of nearly 40 scholars talking to delegates about their studies.
I am looking forward to attending this event myself and hearing more from these inspiring individuals.
In an industry which is certainly not having an easy time at the minute, in terms of the short-term economic outlook, I think it is important to try to focus on some of the positives, and an event like the Nuffield Conference should serve to demonstrate just how much talent and passion there is out there.
And finally, be sure to take a look at this month's Dairy Matters column (pages 14-15), where vet Claire Whittle tackles the important topic of diversity within farming.
As Claire says, with the labour crisis in the sector continuing to take its toll, it is more important than ever that we make sure everyone within the industry feels fairly represented and valued.