Property consultancy Berrys said farmers could face tax bills of £600,000 if inheritance tax is scrapped
Defra says the work to address a lack of farmer confidence has already begun
NFU president Tom Bradshaw described the result as a 'reset moment for British agriculture'
Tenant ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Association chief executive said the most prevalent view expressed to him by TFA members in light of the General Election is ‘whether to vote at all'
With the focus on landlord-tenant relationships at the NFU tenant conference, some farmers felt more needed to be done to tackle bad practice by landlords and their land agents
The code has been introduced at a time when tenants in the north of England are facing notices to quit by estates as a result of 'inheritance tax planning', as well as poor collaboration around the Landscape Recovery project
Farming families told ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Guardian of the emotional and financial toll they had faced gaining access to Universal Credit
TFA chief executive said the Minister had ‘clearly not caught up' with the details of the TFA survey which were submitted as part of their response to the Minister's own call for evidence from Defra, to inform whether a Tenant Farming Commissioner was necessary
Baroness Kate Rock, who led the Rock Review into tenant farming said she was disappointed, adding there was already 'sufficient evidence' to back the need for a Tenant Farming Commissioner
The Tenant ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Association said each week it was hearing from a ‘growing number' of farmers losing access to tenanted land or being told their Farm Business Tenancies would not be renewed