Deputy First Minister Huw Irranca-Davies said Ministers did not have a ‘statutory basis to intervene in the sale of land owned by councils
The Greater London Authority has given the green light to a housing development on agricultural land occupied by an tenant in the Barnet area of London
As former NFU dairy board chair Michael Oakes embarks on a new challenge in beef, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown speaks to him about leaving dairy and the future of the sector
"Once a farm is gone, it is gone."
In an opposition debate in Parliament on Tuesday (October 8) Mr Reed said the idea of a commissioner had ‘merit' and there would be an announcement ‘shortly'
The Defra Secretary Steve Reed and the Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner have also been invited to attend the political session
This marks The Crown Estate's first acquisition of a rural estate since 2014, and is part of its new rural strategy to create ‘long-term value for the industry'
Mr Ireland also said clauses in tenancy agreements for ‘agricultural use only' must change as they do not fit with the ‘entrepreneurial' ambition of tenants
The Tenant ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Association has put forward a number of complaints to the council's senior management team
With a new type of farming tenancy being rolled out by the Crown Estate, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Paul Sedgwick about the estate’s plans