From September 1 2024, applicants for succession must prove they are both 'eligible and suitable' to be the tenant of the agricultural holding subject to succession
From robots boosting profits on the last remaining prison farm in Britain to the removal of Winter Fuel Payments and the impact it could have on rural pensioners - these are six farming stories not to miss this week on FG
It follows a decision made by an inspector in relation to a planning appeal from a developer which had been refused consent for a solar farm on land in Somerset
Property consultancy Berrys said farmers could face tax bills of £600,000 if inheritance tax is scrapped
TFA chief executive George Dunn said tenant farmers needed reassurance of the direction ahead and whether the new Labour Government would appoint a Tenant Farming Commissioner
Former Liberal Democrat Leader and candidate for Westmorland and Lonsdale Tim Farron has slammed the Tory and Labour attitude to farming in his opinion piece for ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Guardian
Tenant ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Association national chair Robert Martin said: "There is enough evidence to show that there is market failure in food supply chains in this country and we need a Government that is committed to ensuring that those market failures are addressed"
Tenant ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Association chief executive said the most prevalent view expressed to him by TFA members in light of the General Election is ‘whether to vote at all'
Church Commissioners principal asset manager Ciara Williams said ‘early' conversations were actively encouraged with ‘next generation tenants' on Agricultural Holdings Act or Farm Business Tenancies, but it should be about ‘what is the future of the business, rather than pure succession'
The Commissioner will be appointed this autumn