Online applications for the scheme will be closed from 5pm tomorrow (December 21) until January 4 2024, in order to carry out essential maintenance
Scottish farmers and gamekeepers said the ban will make it much more difficult to control fox populations and the predation they carry out on other species such as ground-nesting birds
This was the message that came from a discussion at future Farming Expo Scotland
The Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS) will be available until 2024. NFU Scotland said alternative funding must be ringfenced in the upcoming agricultural bill to support upland farm businesses
NFU Scotland president said under the Bute House agreement the pendulum has ‘swung too far the other way' and there is no longer a ‘balance and shared approach' to both food security and the environment
Potato cyst nematode (PCN) is already costing the seed potato sector £25 million per year, but this figure could rise to £125m per year.