Regenerative agriculture claims can be overblown, according to a new study by the agri benchmark network of agricultural economists
The House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee inquiry will highlight and explore opportunities for the capture and reuse of existing reactive nitrogen
Often thought of as a tickbox exercise to conform with regulatory requirements, investing in a detailed nutrient plan can deliver significant benefits for dairy and livestock producers, with new technology now set to make the task significantly easier
"Intensive farming, with its reliance on artificial nitrogen, vanishing peat and corrupting the soil, will not see many more tomorrows. It is literally unsustainable"
With rising fertiliser costs looking set to remain, a dairy farmer from West Wales has successfully halved his nitrogen use
With consistent amounts of heavy rainfall plaguing autumn drilled cereals, we spoke with three ProCam agronomists to understand the developments through the different regions
Trial results show early application is highly efficient while avoiding environmental soil losses
Livestock farmers wanting to improve their grassland in line with the latest SFI requirements need to optimise nitrogen use with advisers pointing to the growing role of sulphur in the equation
With knowledge exchange at the centre of Future Farming Expo Scotland, visitors had the opportunity to discuss developments across farming sectors, including managing soils and nitrogen efficiency
Syngenta has obtained exclusive rights to a novel biological seed treatment said to improve nutrient use efficiency, increase crop yield and promote plant health