In a landmark event for nature conservation, the National Trust have released the first two pairs of Eurasian beavers to live in the wild in Purbeck, Dorset, after a new policy was announced by Defra and Natural England last week
The show will follow the National Trust as it searches for a new tenant of a 243-hectare farm in Eryri National Park
Two FG readers share their thoughts on Labour's Inheritance Tax changes and the National Trust's 'wildlife and nature recovery' focus
The organisation has launched a new 10-year strategy to ‘ramp up' its efforts to address the climate and nature crises
"Though Mr Pearson was offered the opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction, he chose to ignore that, leading to this hearing"
"We should not allow farmland to be taken away by the National Trust"
Seasonal crop latest to suffer from growing season plagued by bad weather and pests
Archie Benson, 22, is studying Agriculture at Harper Adams University and he is from Sherborne in the Cotswolds
Second series of Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker is on the hunt for applicants interested in taking on Welsh tenancy
New manifesto says public should be offered 'responsible' routes to more green and blue spaces