"Having come from a non-farming background myself, I believe agriculture can be for anybody"
Mr Ireland also said clauses in tenancy agreements for ‘agricultural use only' must change as they do not fit with the ‘entrepreneurial' ambition of tenants
Aaron and Partners' Mark Turner delves into what the clause means, the sector’s reaction, and what impact the changes will have on diversification in farming
Which farming programme has your support?
Bridget Gooden, who runs Garslade Farm on the Somerset Levels has noticed an increased level of interest from people wanting to stay on a working farm and puts it down to the 'Jeremy Clarkson effect' and the popularity of his TV series Clarkson's Farm
Mr Clarkson said the pub will only use British farmed produce because he wants to support farmers working in the UK
Campaigners say rock legend's long-held anti-cull views will make show 'partisan'
This week from ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Guardian editor Olivia Midgley
Archie Benson, 22, is studying Agriculture at Harper Adams University and he is from Sherborne in the Cotswolds