Chief executive of the Welsh Dee Trust has warned ‘drawn out discussions' between tenants and landlords on who needs to pay for changes, means action to tackle pollution on-farm is often delayed
The drive to attract private cash to boost on-farm environmental opportunities, could lead to food production being side lined, an expert has warned
UK tractor sales have shown a marked increase, with the highest single-month figure since 2009.
²ÝÁñÉçÇø have warned they are holding back on investing in growth-boosting technologies amid serious policy uncertainty.
There are three main areas of the green economy which hold financial opportunity for farmers and land managers, says Susan Twining, chief land use policy adviser at the CLA.
Experiences which are enriching and immersive are rising in popularity, and considering your skills and interests is the best place to start when deciding what to offer.
How do you ensure a diversification is successful and a wise investment? Michael Mack, specialist farm diversification adviser at The Rural Consultant, offers advice.
Premium is as much about clear communication around brand values as it is about exceptional quality.
‘Uncertainty’ has been on the lips of every farming business, bank and adviser for the last three-and-a-half years and things are unlikely to get much clearer for a while in terms of trade, standards and financial support.