Catch up with what has been happening in the auction marts this week
The December 2023-born Islavale Peace from W.S. Stronach, Keith, sold for 15,000gns to lead the trade at the Next Generation sale of Simmental females and weaned calves at Carlisle
Catch up with what has been happening in the auction marts
A shearling gimmer from Stewart Craft Farming's Lakeview flock, Glenrothes, led the trade at 25,000gns at the Three Nations show and sale of pedigree Suffolk females at Carlisle
Catch up with what's been happening around the marts
Catch up with what has been happening in the auction marts
Crowds returned ringside as the steer champion led the beef judging at the 17th Borderway Agri Expo, held at Harrison and Hetherington's Borderway Mart, Carlisle
Catch up with what has been happening in the auction marts
Catch up with what's been happening in the sales rings this week
The sale of pedigree Limousins at Carlisle topped at 18,000gns for Killerton Uncanny