Rebecca McLellan keeps rare Castlemilk Moorit sheep at her farm near Rockcliffe, a breed that originated at the Castlemilk Estate in Dumfriesshire in the early 1900s
Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife, Wendy Chamberlain, accused the Government of failing to consider the impact of its proposed IHT changes on Scottish tenant farmers, despite raising the problem ‘four times in the last three months'
The Cairngorms Crofters & ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Community group voice their concerns about reintroducing lynx to the National Park
Jonathan Hedges, chair of the campaigning group, said each farmer brought a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, while covering wide geographical areas in Scotland
From gaps in grant funding to opportunities for Scottish farmers and crofters; here is the latest farm grants news for your business
NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy has urged the Scottish First Minister to help farmers meet their full potential as a key component in Scotland's future prosperity