"We need to embrace wireless technology to protect ourselves and our livestock while boosting productivity"
The Government said there also been a long-term trend in the decline of cattle numbers
Methane emissions from dairy farms higher than thought - but conversion to biogas could reduce emissions and save more than £400m a year in fuel costs
The growing speculation around a cut to the agriculture budget and a potential review of APR, NFU president Tom Bradshaw said was ‘incredibly concerning’
"We should not allow farmland to be taken away by the National Trust"
"Once a farm is gone, it is gone."
Dan Corry previously served as head of the No10 policy unit under former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and adviser in many Government departments where he was involved in regulatory reform.
Since its implementation in 2021, the ATQ has permitted 260,000 tonnes of raw cane sugar each year to enter the UK tariff free, regardless of origin
While it was ‘unlikely' this winter would be as wet as that of 2023, the threat remained in counties such as Lincolnshire
"His experience and knowledge will help Emerald Research to improve and focus while navigating the ever-changing regulatory landscape"