In a landmark event for nature conservation, the National Trust have released the first two pairs of Eurasian beavers to live in the wild in Purbeck, Dorset, after a new policy was announced by Defra and Natural England last week
"If the Chancellor will not listen and work with the farming community to find a way forward, her battle with the countryside will simply become a long running sore. It is a very bad look for the Government"
"Supplying the tree that stands outside Number 10 is a tremendous honour and a wonderful opportunity to showcase the dedication, craftsmanship, and commitment of British Christmas tree growers"
14 cases of BTV-3 have been detected in premises which are now outside the current restricted zone
"We will continue to share intelligence and resources, making it harder for criminals to operate across the region"
Riverford campaigner and farmer Guy Singh-Waston said the issue of food labelling has 'masked' the harsh realities British family farms face in the supply chain
"We have lost experienced farming MPs but this is now an opportunity to build back again"
It is nearing 10 years since the UK livestock industry began a concerted effort to monitor and measure antibiotic use on-farm as part of the battle against AMR (antimicrobial resistance).
The pair had targeted various farm businesses across the South of England including Sussex, Devon, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire
The Prime Minister said the Conservatives had been the only party to make a commitment to continue badger culling