In a world where dairy gets a bad reputation for greenhouse gas emissions, one West Country producer is managing his herds to be more sustainable
HSE says animals were the main cause of farm fatalities in British agriculture during the past year
Part of our exit strategy if you like, was to get planning permission on three of our conventional buildings. I would hasten to add that our exit was forced upon us
Installing an 80-point rotary parlour to futureproof milking on a south Wales farm has cut milking times in half and provided the opportunity for the next generation to grow the herd
Hard work and a keen eye for stock has resulted in a herd and farm fit for the future for Rob Pierce and family
Februdairy is back again and we take a look at one of the most nutritious products in the world, milk!
Arla holding their milk price for February following their 3€c/kg increase for January, together with Müller deciding to leave their Müller Direct price unchanged for March, posting the fifth consecutive month of price stability, has the effect of locking in virtually all other milk buyers for liquid processing as a hold for March
Dairy farmers will have to learn to live in a more challenging climate because changes are already affecting many aspects of their operations, said Hayley Campbell-Gibbons of Kite Consulting
The winner of the 2023 NMR RABDF Gold Cup award is Bisterne Farm in Ringwood, Hampshire. This is one of the first farms in the competition's recent history to receive the award with a cross-bred, low-input, grass-based herd
Happy New Year to you all Although it probably seems like a distant memory I hope you all enjoyed some quality time with your families over the Christmas period