Speaking at this season’s Syngenta Potato Power meetings across the UK, Andy Cunningham, Syngenta Potato Technical Manager warns of higher populations of the pest
This podcast episode covers the latest on Inheritance Tax, what the industry plans to do next, as well as other industry updates including an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone across England, Wales and Scotland, and a ban on new permits for sheep dip disposal in Wales
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown takes a look at industry concerns following the Government's decision to refuse the emergency application of the use of neonicotinoid pesticide, Cruiser SB, on sugar beet in England for 2025, farmers are urged to be extra careful as Storm Eowyn hits the UK, and the Efra chair calls for an urgent meeting with Prime Minister to look at 'potential mitigations' to the inheritance tax reform
The Sturdy family are waiting to hear the outcome of an appeal hearing which could result in around half of their arable farm being taken out of production for a solar farm. The Sturdy family's landlord is the FitzWilliam Trust Corporation. Ms Sturdy has claimed that one of its six trustees, Lady Helena Rees-Mogg, is the wife of Sir Jacob
Over the last few months, the digital passport leadership group has been working on proposals for a digital combinable crops passport to replace the current paper passport
Defra's newly announced Farming Recovery Fund has been called out as an 'injustice' and criticised for being 'ill-informed' with farmers who have suffered 'catastrophic impacts' being told they are not eligible for the Fund
CLA senior land use policy adviser Cameron Hughes said: "CLA members I speak to are often surprised at the breadth of options available through the Capital Grants scheme."
This spring repair, recharge and building resilience are the key objectives for growers seeking to recover plant health in winter crops to prevent a further slide in yield potential – and there’s one biostimulant that’s proven it could bridge the way to success.
Rocky Poulson ended his life four days after a farm inspection which found 18 sheep had been tagged with incorrect-coloured ear tags
NFU Sugar Board's chair Michael Sly said he was 'astounded' British Sugar had opted for arbitration and that the strength of feeling amongst beet growers was in no doubt