A new history book which looks at the origins of the Aberdeen-Angus breed has discovered the breed's roots may have been founded much further back in time than originally thought
Boreland Farm, near Kirkcowan, in southwest Scotland, has been run by the McCornick family for almost 100 years, but in the last 20, the livestock system has undergone a significant transformation
Reserve champion leads Aberdeen-Angus trade
At 22,000gns, a Simmental bull led the trade at Stirling's multi-breed show and sale where a strong demand for all the breeds on offer, resulted in nine bulls hitting the five-figure mark. Lynsey Clark reports
Gretnahouse Karama Lady Z486, a March-born heifer calf headed the prices at 12,000gns at the dispersal of the late Alasdair Housteon’s Gretnahouse Aberdeen-Angus herd, Gretna