Defra should move quickly to establish an ombudsman in England to oversee disputes which arise between tenants and landlords, a new landmark review has recommended.
Television presenter-turned-farmer Jeremy Clarkson has launched an appeal after his local council ordered him to close his Diddly Squat eatery.
Campaigners in Wales are celebrating after receiving assurances that food will continue to be produced on farmland bought by the Welsh Government for tree planting.
As UK farmers and investors face major economic uncertainty in the months ahead, we look at how this is affecting the market for farmland
²ÝÁñÉçÇø have been urged to ensure their property is eligible to avoid a ‘hefty tax bill’
Rural properties, particularly those with land, are selling for far above what guide prices indicate, according to H&H
While interest rate rises and a cost-of-living crisis are creating economic uncertainty, the farmland market was expected to remain firm as investors look for a safe haven
Government Food Tsar Henry Dimbleby has said the upcoming land use framework promised by Ministers will reveal ‘stark trade-offs’ about how much meat the country can produce and where.
More than 12 million people in rural communities risk being sidelined by the Government’s Levelling Up policy, a new study has found.
Increased land values were raising barriers to new entrants to farming as natural capital and afforestation interest drive Scottish farmland markets according to a new report by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).