The high of a good growing season for sugar beet crops is now being curbed by concerns that the HGV driver shortage will leave factories backed up and growers having to deliver their own beet.
A UK funded study has identified several promising sources of virus yellows which could be used in commercial sugar beet crops via genome editing (GE).
Growers have until the end of November 2022 to use up all stocks of cyproconazole containing products.
Some long-awaited finer weather in the final week of August allowed harvest progress to ramp up, and as of September 7, 90 per cent of the UK’s winter wheat area had been harvested according to AHDB.
Yara has announced its first acquisition in the organic fertiliser segment, after adding Ecolan Oy, a Finnish producer of recycled fertilisers to its portfolio.
It would appear at the time of writing that British Summertime has called time early, with the past couple of weeks having much more of an autumn vibe.
It would appear at the time of writing that British Summertime has called time early, with the past couple of weeks having much more of an autumn vibe.
A project to facilitate more planting of miscanthus has been awarded over £150,000 of funding through the Government’s Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme, to help contribute to 2050 net-zero targets.Â
Bayer has joined the cross-industry group developing the easyconnect closed transfer system (CTS) in line with CropLife Europe’s commitment to make CTS universally available to European farmers and operators by 2030.